Indirectness in political discourse pdf

Taweel is an assistant professor of linguistics in the department of english language and literature at alhussein bin talal university, jordan. Evidence from the speeches of king abdullah ii of jordan. This article explores how metaphors are deployed as a tool by politicians to create a negative political identity for their adversaries. The interviewee uses the traditional code of oral communication in the oda as a strategy for saving his honour in public, while the interviewer uses another code, the language of investigative journalism. A critical discourse analysis of three speeches of king abdullah ii. Definitions of directness and indirectness are discussed and problematised from a discursive theoretical perspective. Of the authors who have addressed this issue, obeng, focusing on ghanaian political discourse, characterizes indirectness as a communicational strategy in which interactants abstain from directness in order to. One particular model of discourse analysis is presented in detail, and its application in the context of translator training is critically examined. Discourse analysis of the political speeches of the ousted.

It aims to investigate the structural, lexical, and rhetorical strategies that are utilized for this purpose. Jan 14, 2020 in one sense, all politeness can be viewed as deviation from maximally efficient communication. All groups were internally homogeneous with respect to age and status. It sheds light on his sexist ideology to negatively represent and underestimate women. This article describes a study undertaken to investigate whether the notions of politeness and indirectness are considered related in requests formulated by native and nonnative speakers. Social political discourse analysis in order to formulate our research goals in a broader framework, it should first be emphasized that ideological discourse analysis should be seen as one specific type of socio political analysis of discourse.

Exploring the language of politics and the politics of language article pdf available in language and linguistics compass 611 november 2012 with 20,465 reads. This is a significant collection offering rich insights into a number of current areas in political media discourse, ranging from the analysis of crosscultural variations in the discursive practices of political interviews to the differences and similarities between media events across cultures. Indirectness and politeness in requesting adelaide research. Evidence from the speeches of king abdullah ii of jordan ghaleb rababah and ronza abu rumman this paper reports on the findings of a study that aimed to identify the linguistic items. Our conclusions have proved that indirectness is an essential property of any. Political discourse structures in this part of the analysis following van dijk 1998, 2008 we tried to show how relevant these discourse structures were for the political speech as a political process of our interest and how they contributed to the political strategy. Discourse analysis, which has been widely defined as an investigation of. Pdf hedging in political discourse the linguistics journal. The first part of the volume focuses on textual analysis, investigating.

Indirectness and interpretation in african american womens discourse marcyliena h. Levels of politeness in malaysian parliamentary discourse. Political discourse in this study is analyzed from a linguistic point of view, and it is an exercise on the linguistic features of language, and on how language is used to arrive at the intended goal of the speaker. In the beginning, the theoretical frameworks for the analysis of indirectness are explored by examining grices theory of conversational implicature and cooperative. This book analyses the complex relationship between directness, indirectness, politeness and impoliteness. Drawing on examples from tv, radio and the press, he focuses on changing practices of media discourse in relation to wider. The female interviewers in my study employ more indirect requests for information than do the male interviewers. The purpose of this study is to provide a qualitative and descriptive analysis of examples of persuasive discourse in the interlanguage of intermediatelevel spanish learners. Adopting an inclusive conception of politics and discourse, i consider the relationship between pda and critical discourse analysis cda. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. Discourse, power, and subjectivity in global politics. Political discourse politics refers to people and the lives they lead in organized communities rather than more narrowly to the battle ground of conventional party politics. Many researchers have focused on the defensive or power benefit of indirectness and ignored the payoff in rapport or solidarity. Schaffer sees 1996, political discourse, as a subcategory of discourse in general, which can be.

If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can download the pdf file. Theoretical background definition of discourse analysis. The analysis focused on the discourse in relation to the candidates gender and or political party. Based on examples from academic papers and parliamentary debates in spain, the present paper studies a particular phenomenon within evidentiality, which is called pragmatic indirectness in this work. Communication in iraqi political discourse is accomplished through such communicative strategies such as word play, metaphor, circumlocution, use of approximation and numbers, citing historical speeches and citation from the holy quran. Cornelia ilie, discourse and metadiscourse in parliamentary debates, journal of language and politics, 2003, 2, 7192. Nov 22, 2016 history of political discourse geis 1987. Importance of politeness the concepts of politeness is important in. A crosscultural study of indirectness escholarship. Alhussein bin talal university, maan, jordan biodata. Asian settings where politeness and indirectness is deemed important to save face.

Despite the prevalence of ritual in so many political activities, there has been remarkably little research on the use of ritual language in political contexts but see ilie 2010, even within areas such as discourse analysis although see gal, e. Our conclusions have proved that indirectness is an essential property of any political discourse. Norman fairclough applies to media language his critical discourse analysis framework which he developed in language and power and discourse and social life. A critical discourse analysis of president muhammadu buharis inaugural speech emmanuel c. A critical discourse analysis of donald trumps sexist. This paper tries to explore the various aspects of indirectness in conversational discourse. Ideological discourse analysis discourse in society. Political discourse is an umbrella term for various political talks made at different political forums such as political campaign rallies, party manifestoes, inaugural speeches, bills among others. Introduction the study of the language behavior of african americans has resulted in a tremendous body of research detailing various aspects of both the linguistic and rnetalinguistic workings of the community.

This book discusses the role of discourse analysis for translation and translator training. Intd f bn nrtv, n th r f ntn t prrb ht pltl dr nl hld b, t rthr t b prrt n nthr, r nltl, nd tr t prvd nr. Ethnicity as conversational style i wish to thank directly robin tolmach lakoff who originally inspired and has continually enlightened my thinking about indirectness in discourse, and john gumperz who gave direction to the research reported here. The critical study of political discourse has up until very recently rested solely within the domain of the social sciences. Language and politics linguistics and english language. Drawing on five televised debates from the hong kong legislative council election campaign in 2012, the present study examines the use of defamation metaphors in electoral discourse from a sociopragmatic and cognitive perspective. Jul 23, 2019 many researchers have focused on the defensive or power benefit of indirectness and ignored the payoff in rapport or solidarity. Pdf levels of politeness in malaysian parliamentary discourse. Indirectness and gender in requests for information marcia macaulay english department, york universi, glendon college. Critical discourse analysis of prime ministers speeches on harmful aerial vehicles drones shakeel ahmed b. Sharndama federal university, wukari faculty of humanities, management and social sciences department of english and literary studies. The payoffs of indirectness in rapport and selfdefense correspond to the two basic dynamics that motivate communication. It furthers the universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Pdf discourse and the translator download full pdf download.

The request data were collected from two groups of speakers, namely. Politeness theory and discourse chapter 3 introduction to discourse analysis brian paltridge. This study aims at investigating and analyzing three aspects of hedging in spoken political discourse. Critical discourse analysis of prime ministers speeches on. The study asserted that hedging in political discourse was an indicator of diplomacy, politeness and respect. On the evasive nature of politicians answers to reporters questions, journal of language and politics, 2005, 4, 44363.

A critical discourse analysis of pm modis political. Drawing upon three different corpora political speeches made at the european parliament, a television show in which the role of this parliament. The discourse in these chambers is a revered phenomenon in the albanian culture. For data collection, a discourse completion test dct questionnaire was. It has been widely recognised that an in depth textual analysis of a source text is relevant for translation. It has branched into many subdisciplines of which political discourse is just one of many. This phenomenon involves examples in which evidentiality is expressed formally in a certain way for instance, it is presented as reporting someone elses words, but where the meaning. Metaphor as a powerful verbal indirectness strategy in political discourse in our everyday interactions, the concept of face is ubiquitous and speakers constantly engage in various discourse strategies to address potential facethreats that may arise in the course of ongoing talk brown and levinson, 1987. In general, discourse theory tends to be associated with. Politicians, in talking about potential facethreatening acts or politically risky topics, avoid the obvious and communicate indirectly in order to protect and further their own careers and to gain both political and interactional advantage over their political opponents. Political speeches are many just as political forums and events are. Pdf political language and textual vagueness researchgate. Anthropological and sociolinguistic approaches to indirect speech. Defining political discourse college of basic education.

Such an analysis, among other things, attempts to relate. Working within a linguistics framework, critical discourse analysis cda, in particular fairclough fairclough 1989, 1995a, 1995b. For him, most of our timehonored political values are empty signifiers that is, they have no intrinsic or natural meaning outside of the social meanings attributed to them. Politicians, in talking about potential facethreatening acts or politically risky topics, avoid the obvious and communicate indirectly in order to protect and further their own careers and to gain both political. Kevin mckenzie, the institutional provision for silence. To perform an act other than in the most clear and efficient manner possible is to implicate some degree of politeness on the part of the speaker.

Overview of discourse theory variations on the theme of discourse theory can be found in the disciplines of anthropology, communication, linguistics, literary studies, political science, social psychology, and sociology, as well as in interdisciplinary. Critical discourse analysis of obamas political discourse. One interesting aspect of speech acts is their apparent indirectness. Download pdf discourse and the translator ebook full free.

It is apparent that political discourse revolves around being. Discourse and the translator available for download and read online in pdf, epub, mobi. These pilot studies were conducted in order to find out whether it is possible to reveal a general tendency to indirectness in political discourse pd in both respective languages. Cyril morong, mythology, ideology and politics paper presented at the. Indirectness and gender in requests for information.

Pdf discourse and the translator download full pdf. One major point in our argument is pda should be able to answer genuine and relevant political questions and deal with issues that are discussed in political science. The indirectness may also be motivated by politeness. The analysis of political discourse is relevant for the new crossdiscipline of discourse. Nov 18, 2016 laclau contends that political common sense is the result of discursive power to define the very parameters within which public debate occurs. This paper studies the phenomenon of political echo chambers on social media. In th ppr xn nrl prprt f dl fr f l ntn nd thr rltn t pltl txt nd tl. Jul 24, 2018 based on examples from academic papers and parliamentary debates in spain, the present paper studies a particular phenomenon within evidentiality, which is called pragmatic indirectness in this work. The pragmatics of politeness sebelas maret university. Aug 09, 2015 political discourse analysis should in our view proceed from a coherent view of the character of politics to an account of what characteristics differentiate political discourse from other sorts of discourse, and develop an approach which seeks to address what is distinctive about politics and about political discourse. Sanae tsuda tokaigakuen womens college introduction this paper tries to explore the various aspects of indirectness in conversational discourse.

Intrdtn h ppr ll xplr rpn t th nl nv tn wht ltl r anl. Informed by van dijks 1997 concept of political discourse analysis, a corpus, composed of 10,672 word types and 325,398 word tokens, was examined for keywords related to the addressor, the addressee, and the political speech itself. Political discourse, metaphor, equivocation, rhetorical device, personal pronoun. Our analysis is grounded in norman faircloughs assumptions in critical discourse. New tools for critical discourse analysis theo van leeuwen. Thus, studying codeswitching in political discourse will, on the one hand, enhance our understanding of codeswitching in general from a specific genre, and, on the other hand, will also add to our appreciation of political discourse from a more specific sociolinguistic perspective. S english 6th semester department of english university of sargodha pakistan abstract the present study aims at finding the hidden ideologies behind words used in a language through cda.

In the beginning, the theoretical frameworks for the analysis of indirectness. Directness and indirectness across cultures sara mills. For this end, the researcher will analyze some of trumps opinions. Robert mcclay dissertation university of birmingham. As the results showed that such an objective cannot be achieved, i was advised and helped by my tutor prof. This obliqueness in communication may be expressed through evasion, circumlocution, innuendoes. A pragmatic analysis of mousaaboulfotouh presidential debate may samir mahmoud elfalaky1 abstract this article is intended to analyze verbal impoliteness in the first and only egyptian televised presidential debate. Impoliteness in egyptian political campaign discourse. According to this definition, political discourse occurs when political actors, in and out of government, com municate about political matters, for political purposes graber, 1981.

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